Market capitalization, the main indicator of the Mozambican securities market, grew significantly in 2023. According to data published by Lusa, the market capitalization increased by 12%, from 164.2 billion meticais in 2022 to 183.9 billion meticais in 2023.
The Mozambique Stock Exchange (BVM) closed 2023 with positive results, with the highlight being the trading of 224.3 million treasury bonds, worth 21.9 billion meticais. The BVM also recorded the trading of 3.8 million corporate bonds, equivalent to 397.3 million meticais, and the trading of 7.5 million shares and 660.3 thousand commercial paper bonds.
The Mozambique Stock Exchange currently has 76 listed securities, including 13 listed companies. Notable companies include Mozambican Hydrocarbons Company, Beers from Mozambique, Hydroelectric of Cahora Bassa, Arko Seguros and Mozambique’s road network, among others.
This increase in market capitalization reflects not only the growth of the securities market in Mozambique, but also the growing interest of investors and confidence in the country’s financial market.