Saturday, February 15, 2025

Tripartite partnership signed for the management of the Rovuma river basin

The governments of Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania signed a memorandum of understanding this Wednesday (31) for the joint management of the resources of the Rovuma river basin, with the aim of maximizing socio-economic benefits for local communities, Radio Mozambique (RM) reported.

During the signing, which took place in Dar es Salaam, in the United Republic of Tanzania, the Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Mesquita, pointed out that the memorandum provides for the preparation and implementation of regional projects that will bring significant benefits to the communities along the Rovuma basin.

For her part, Malawi’s Minister of Water and Sanitation, Abida Mia, said that collaboration between the three countries will create conditions to mitigate the impact of extreme climatic events, such as El Niño.

Finally, the Minister for Water of the United Republic of Tanzania, Jumaa Aweso, added that the memorandum will promote the implementation of measures to guarantee water security in the region.

The signing of the memorandum was co-organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the German Society for Internationalization and the Global Water Partnershig.

This tripartite agreement is a significant milestone in regional cooperation for the sustainable management of water resources, aimed at sustainable development and improving the quality of life of the populations that depend on the Rovuma basin.

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