Friday, September 20, 2024

Changes to the regulation on the licensing and operation of private employment agencies

Decree No. 87/2023 of December 29 was approved, amending the Regulations on the Licensing and Operation of Private Employment Agencies, approved by Decree No. 16/2018 of April 23.

The amendments, with the aim of adjusting the Regulations to the dynamics of the employment market, given the opening up of new job opportunities abroad, are summarized as follows:

Recruitment abroad

Special license holders can provide recruitment, selection and dispatch services for Mozambican workers for foreign employers, under bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding between Mozambique and other countries.

To this end, they must pay a fee equivalent to one minimum wage in the non-financial sector for each worker sent abroad.

Decree 87/2023 has been in force since December 29, 2023.

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