Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mphanda Nkuwa: European Union assesses stage of project implementation

The soon-to-be-executed Mphanda Nkuwa project represents a substantial investment in renewable energy infrastructure, aimed at meeting the country’s growing energy needs and contributing to the mitigation of climatic events and environmental preservation in Mozambique and the region.

The European Union, along with other countries and organizations around the world, has shown interest in this project. Recently, a mission made up of the heads of cooperation and EU member states in Mozambique made a four-day working visit to Tete province to assess the state of implementation of renewable energy projects.

During the visit, the mission met with the staff of the Mphanda Nkuwa Hydroelectric Project Implementation Office (GMNK) and the strategic partner, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the development of the activities.

The director of GMNK, Carlos Yum, emphasized the importance of complying with international environmental standards in order to mobilize funding for the project. He highlighted the project’s commitment to the social component, including the resettlement of populations within the law and good governance, essential elements to guarantee the quality of the financing.

With an estimated cost of 4.5 billion euros, the Mphanda Nkuwa project includes the development of a run-of-river dam, a hydroelectric power station with an installed capacity of up to 1500 Megawatts and a high-voltage power transmission line from Tete to Maputo. The project is expected to start operating in 2031.

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