Home Interview ʺBuilding brand loyalty in the national domain is one of the biggest...

ʺBuilding brand loyalty in the national domain is one of the biggest challenges for companiesʺ

ʺFidelizar uma marca no domínio nacional, é um dos grandes desafios das empresasʺ

Branding plays an essential role in creating and maintaining brand identity. In an interview with Profile, Leonor Jamal, Marketing Director of Fidelidade Ímpar and Advisor to the 6th edition of Superbrands, shared some insights into the marketing sector in the country and her expectations for the 2024 edition of Superbrands.

Profile Mozambique: How do you analyze branding in differentiating Mozambique’s brands?

Leonor Jamal: I believe that Mozambique is no different from other countries and contexts in which branding is present, and that brands are fighting for their places in order to establish themselves. It’s important to look at the country from the perspective of having a young, dynamic economy with significant growth potential. Based on these elements, branding emerges as an extremely important proposal, as it will determine how each company proposes to communicate and conquer its space in the market.

PM: In your view, how have Mozambican companies positioned themselves in terms of adapting their marketing strategies?

LJ: Mozambican companies have explored the marketing market in different ways, taking advantage of the opportunities and facing the challenges that arise. A common approach has been to use digital marketing strategies to reach a wider audience, especially on social media. These strategies include creating relevant content, using targeted ads and developing campaigns.

At the same time, many companies have invested in branding and creating a visual identity, standing out in the market and building lasting relationships with customers. However, there is still room for growth and much to be explored.

PM: Speaking of digitalization, how do you combine the digital transition in a context where not everyone has access to information?

LJ: In the insurance market, we face an additional challenge in communicating with the public, due to the lack of knowledge about what insurance is, especially in a context where the insurance penetration rate is very low. This is why a greater effort to publicize and disseminate the services we offer is essential.

However, at the same time as we are facing difficulties in publicizing insurance, we cannot ignore the digital transition. Digitalization is no longer an option, but an obligation. It is a global phenomenon in which we are all called upon to participate and integrate into this new sphere, so as not to run the risk of being left behind in this movement and consequently not responding to the new demands.

PM: Establishing a brand in the public domain is complex. What are the main challenges in this process? Can you talk about your personal experience?

LJ: In our specific case – the Fidelidade Ímpar brand – one of the major points of analysis and one of the central challenges was to ensure that the brand carried the DNA of its original base, which is not exactly national, while at the same time adapting to the local culture. When it arrived in Mozambique, the brand needed to breathe the Mozambican context in which we wanted to develop the business. So, to say that the challenge for a brand comes from outside, it’s national adaptation.

PM: You are a board member of Superbrands and will have the difficult task of assessing the best brands for this year. What are your expectations of this edition?

LJ: I have huge expectations of this edition and, of course, I hope to respond excellently to the role of advisor for this edition. At the moment, the conditions are right for Superbrands to be back and I believe it’s an opportune moment to analyze the evolution and prominence of the brands operating in Mozambique. Today we have large companies distinguishing themselves in the country by offering quality services and products, which without a shadow of a doubt also deserve to be highlighted as “Superbrands“.



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