Wednesday, February 5, 2025

At the job interview: “Why should we hire you?”

Job interviews are crucial moments in the life of any professional looking for an opportunity to join the job market in Mozambique. In this competitive scenario, candidates often find themselves faced with a seemingly simple but challenging question: “Why should we hire you?”.

Behind this apparent simplicity lies an intrinsic complexity that permeates the Mozambican context. While candidates strive to express their skills and experience convincingly, recruiters are looking for more than just technical competencies. They seek to understand how candidates fit into the company’s culture, how they can contribute to the organization’s success and, above all, how they demonstrate authenticity and trust.

In a country that values cultural richness and diversity, candidates should be aware of the importance of aligning their answers with the company’s values and objectives. This involves not only highlighting their technical skills, but also demonstrating their ability to adapt to different environments and work effectively in multicultural teams.

In addition, it is essential to recognize the need to contextualize your answers according to the specific challenges faced by the local labour market. This could include referring to local economic development initiatives, socio-economic challenges faced by the population or even emerging opportunities in key sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, energy and infrastructure.

A key aspect to consider when answering this question is the ability to communicate your past achievements clearly and convincingly. Candidates should be prepared to provide tangible examples of how their skills and experience have contributed to the success of previous projects, whether in the corporate, government or non-profit sector.
However, it is important to avoid falling into the trap of appearing arrogant or overly self-confident. Recruiters value humility and the ability to recognize areas for improvement, as well as a willingness to learn and grow professionally.

Ultimately, success in a job interview in the Mozambican context is not just about providing prepared and rehearsed answers. It’s about showing the recruiter who you are as a person, in addition to your technical skills. It’s about demonstrating your passion for the field, your commitment to excellence and your ability to adapt to new challenges.

Therefore, when preparing for a job interview, candidates should not only focus on highlighting their skills and experience, but also on showing their authenticity, adaptability and passion for what they do. It is this combination of technical skills and personal characteristics that can really make the difference and secure the dream job.

By: Solange Cuber Vicente

Brief Profile

Solange Cuber Vicente is a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), Labor and Employment Law, currently working at SCV Consulting Lda.

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