Home Uncategorized CTA expects repositioning of the tourism sector with FIKANI

CTA expects repositioning of the tourism sector with FIKANI

Speaking at the launch of Tourism Week in celebration of World Tourism Day and the launch of the 8th edition of the International Tourism Fair – FIKANI, the Vice President of the CTA, Vasco Manhiça, said that this is the time to exalt the resilience that this sector showed during this dark period whose reflection was the decrease in guests by 45% in 2020 compared to 2019, and the decrease in its level of contribution in the Gross Domestic Product to 1.3% in 2020 compared to 1.6% in 2019.

“We are pleased to note that the sector is currently showing signs of recovery, as is the case with other economic sectors, and there are high expectations that the Package of Economic Acceleration Measures, announced by the Government, will further reinvigorate this trend,” said Vasco Manhiça.

According to the press conference, Manhiça also referred that the FIKANI should be the mirror of the Mozambican tourism product and an opportunity for the private sector in particular, to demonstrate all the potentialities, the tourism packages and services available to the market.

“This Fair could not be held at a better time, as we believe it will help the sector to position itself in terms of tourism products and the companies that participate in it will be better exposed to the regional and international market,” he stressed.



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