Home Uncategorized EMOSE facilitates access to finance for SMEs in Sofala

EMOSE facilitates access to finance for SMEs in Sofala

The Mozambican Insurance Company (EMOSE), announced its willingness to provide insurance with banks in order to facilitate access to finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) based in Sofala province.

The Mozambican Insurance Company (EMOSE), announced its willingness to provide insurance with banks in order to facilitate access to finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) based in Sofala province.

The claim of the state-owned insurer comes in a context in which the province, particularly the city of Beira, has been affected by phenomena associated with climate change that have destroyed important public and private infrastructure.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of EMOSE, Joaquim Langa, who made the pronouncement this Wednesday, July 15, during the 2nd Conference of Banking and Insurance, explained that the intervention of his sector aims ensentially to guarantee the access to financing that enables several business initiatives.

“EMOSE has outlined a program in which it will provide with the banking sector, so that the companies interested in accessing loans can do so without fulfilling some requirements demanded by the banking institutions”, said Joaquim Langa.

The meeting which brought together several businessmen had as objective, to share with the local businessmen, the existing solutions for facilitating the financing in the framework of the support after the cyclones Idai and Keneth which caused significant material and financial damages to the private sector of Sofala province.

It should be noted that SMEs make up over 98% of the country’s business fabric and are the main generators of jobs and income for Mozambican families.



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