Thursday, October 24, 2024

Expenditure on financial operations in 2023 reached around 30 million meticais

Financial operations in Mozambique totaled 30,857.3 million Meticais in 2023, representing 49.9% of the annual budget. This figure reflects a real increase of 18.5% compared to the same period last year. The growth was mainly driven by active financial operations, which saw a significant increase of 79.9%.

On the other hand, passive financial operations totaled 28,960.1 million Meticais, corresponding to 50.5% of the annual budget, with real growth of 16.8%. It is worth noting that the internal debt includes an amount of 188.4 million Meticais, related to the restructuring and consolidation of the state business sector. In addition, 92.2 million Meticais in retrocession loans were passed on to Empresa Pública.

These figures indicate a scenario of robust financial activity in Mozambique in 2023, with a significant increase in active and passive financial operations. The inclusion of figures related to domestic debt and retrocession loans highlights the complexity and breadth of the financial operations carried out during the period.

It is hoped that this data will be analyzed in detail by the competent bodies in order to assess the impact of financial operations on the country’s economic and fiscal context. Transparency and efficiency in the management of these operations will be key to ensuring Mozambique’s stability and sustainable financial development.

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