Home Market analysis Find out how the compulsory register of beneficial owners affects your company

Find out how the compulsory register of beneficial owners affects your company

Following the obligation for companies to keep a register of beneficial owners imposed by the new Commercial Code, approved by Decree-Law no. 1/2022 of May 25 (article 99) and by the Law establishing the Legal Framework and Measures to Prevent and Combat Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, Law no. 11/2022 of July 7 (article 18), the new Regulation on the Registration of Legal Entities, approved by Decree-Law no. 1/2024 of July 7 (article 18), has been introduced. The new Regulation on the Register of Legal Entities, approved by Decree-Law no. 1/2024, of March 8 (which repeals Decree no. 1/2006, of May 3, with the exception of Article 1 which creates the Register of Legal Entities) introduced the mechanism for declaring beneficial owners, which must be made within the following time limits:

– Up to 90 days after the application of this Regulation (i.e. until June 6, 2024), for companies that are already registered;

– In the consultative act (for new companies);

– Annually in the month of incorporation (update); and

– Up to 30 days after any change (update).

In the event of non-compliance with the above deadlines or the provision of false information, companies may be prevented from carrying out other procedures with the Legal Entities Registry Office and repeated non-compliance with the deadlines is subject to the imposition of a fine (not yet specified), without prejudice to criminal proceedings, where applicable.

Read more: Novo Código Comercial



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