Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mozambique responds to FATF with NGO assessment: a measure against terrorist financing

The launch of the risk assessment report on Non-Profit Civil Society Organizations (NPOs) in Mozambique is a response to the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), aimed at identifying and mitigating possible vulnerabilities to the abuse of terrorist financing and money laundering crimes.

The deputy national director of Legal and Consular Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MINEC), Miguel Nunes, said that the launch of the report seeks to meet the recommendations of the FATF, which has placed Mozambique under enhanced surveillance, known as the “gray list”. The report aims to identify organizations that are potentially vulnerable to financial abuse, without disrupting their essential operations.

Luís Cezerilo, national coordinator of Policies for Prevention, Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, highlighted the importance of NPOs, which complement government activities, while the launch of the report is in line with Law No. 15/2023, of August 18, on preventing and combating the financing of terrorism.

The pre-assessment of the report in Cape Town, South Africa, is an important step towards removing Mozambique from the FATF’s enhanced surveillance. It is expected that on June 23rd and 24th in Singapore, the report will be ratified. These efforts are aimed at strengthening Mozambican institutions and eliminating harmful speculation.

Paula Monjane, executive director of the Centre of Learning and Capacity Building of Civil Society, emphasized that the aim of the report is not to persecute NPOs, but to identify vulnerabilities and implement mitigation measures. So far, there is no evidence of organizations being used to finance terrorism, although three suspected cases are under investigation.

The risk assessment report on NPOs in Mozambique is a proactive measure to combat terrorist financing and guarantee the integrity of the civil sector. With international support and the commitment of the authorities and civil society organizations, the country seeks to strengthen its institutions and promote an effective response to financial security challenges.

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