Home Energy Mozambique’s Energy Regulatory Authority extends deadline for pre-registration of mini-grid development companies

Mozambique’s Energy Regulatory Authority extends deadline for pre-registration of mini-grid development companies

Autoridade Reguladora de Energia de Moçambique prolonga prazo para pré-inscrição de empresas de desenvolvimento de mini-redes de energia eléctrica

Mozambique’s Energy Regulatory Authority (ARENE) recently announced the extension of the deadline for pre-registration of companies interested in developing mini-grids for electricity supply. This decision comes amid government efforts to increase the availability of energy in the country, especially in rural and peri-urban areas, and to promote the use of renewable energies.

The Mozambican government’s Five-Year Program 2020-2024 has as one of its priorities increasing the availability of energy, with both public and private investment in new generation infrastructure, with an increasing emphasis on renewable energies. In addition, the program aims to expand access to electricity, helping to raise the level of access to 64% of the population.

Recently, the government approved the Plan for Electrification in Off-Grid Zones, which identified sites in the provinces of Nampula, Zambézia and Tete for the first private mini-grid projects. In view of the interest shown by private companies already operating in these areas and the various development programs that financially support mini-grid project initiatives, the government has decided that concessions for mini-grids will be awarded through a competitive process.

To this end, ARENE invites qualified and experienced private companies interested in developing mini-grid projects to carry out preliminary registration via the platform available at the following link: https://e-lisefor.arene.org.mz/public/preInscricao, where they must provide all the necessary information.

The extension of the deadline for pre-registration represents an opportunity for companies interested in contributing to the expansion of Mozambique’s electricity infrastructure and actively participating in the development of the country’s energy sector.

For more information on the pre-registration process and the requirements for participation, interested parties can access the ARENE platform or contact the regulatory authority.

This announcement reflects the Mozambican government’s ongoing commitment to promoting access to energy and boosting economic development through strategic investments in the energy sector.



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