The representative of the National Petroleum Institute (INP), Natália Camba, speaking at the Conference and Exhibition on Mining, Oil, Gas and Energy, advanced that in a horizon of 20 years, Mozambique may collect, in revenues, up to 100 billion dollars.
Camba argues that the banking sector should create subsidized credit lines, so that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can respond to opportunities in the oil and gas sector.
In recent years alone, the sector has raised about $50 billion, and the appetite of SMEs for opportunities in the oil and gas industry is growing.
The National Petroleum Institute, also calls on banks to actively finance domestic companies to be eligible to be part of the natural gas chain.
“Credit is high, so the bank has an important role in this process of access to financing, and there are many options carried out by many entities in which the bank participates, creating some working capital,” clarified the INP representative.