Home Uncategorized Visabeira defends financing facilities for energy sector entrepreneurs

Visabeira defends financing facilities for energy sector entrepreneurs

With several investments in Mozambique, especially in hotels and telecommunications, Visabeira says that the country also has enormous opportunities in the energy sector, which is one of the areas in which it operates. But there are challenges in this sector.

“The important thing is to have conditions for companies to be able to expand their energy transportation networks, not only for self-consumption in Mozambique, but also for export,” said Fernando Daniel Nunes, a Visabeira administrator, to then say that the same energy sector needs transportation infrastructure, which expands business investment opportunities. And… Visabeira has already come forward.

“For this (transportation infrastructures), there is a memorandum of understanding that we signed with companies with recognized experience and know-how, such as HCB (Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa), REN (Rede Eléctrica Nacional), from Portugal, and EDM (Electricidade de Moçambique), which aims exactly at working in the construction and maintenance of energy transportation infrastructures,” Nunes detailed.

The Visabeira director was speaking on Friday at the Maputo International Fair, FACIM, in which the Portuguese multinational participated.



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