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BCI brings together economic agents in Maputo

BCI gathered on Saturday (July 9th), economic agents in Maputo, as part of the reception of the delegation from Caixa Geral de Depósito and Banco Português de Investimentos (BPI), which is in Mozambique.

The Ambassador of Portugal in Mozambique, António Costa Moura, and the Presidents of the Executive Committees (PCE) of CGD and BPI, Paulo Macedo and João Pedro Oliveira e Costa, respectively, were present at the meeting.

The PCE of BCI, Francisco Costa, recalled, on the occasion, the 25 years that BCI is now celebrating, underlining the growth of the Bank and its contribution to the growth of Mozambique.

He mentioned, in effect, the expansion of BCI?s network, the largest in the country, which has been actively promoting financial inclusion of the population, the access to banking services for citizens and micro and small businesses, and the development of rural districts.

He also said that BCI has managed to conquer the trust and preference of the main Mozambican institutions, companies and families, “with whom we have been establishing a true commitment of partnership for development, facts that we are very proud of”.

He indicated that throughout the country BCI is attentive and available to collaborate in the effort that government entities, regulators and business associations have been undertaking to stimulate the activity of companies (including SMEs), aiming to provide business opportunities to the local business community, in order to promote and consolidate the foundations for the existence of a strong national business community, leveraging the immense potential that the country has and that sustain the growing interest of investors who direct their investment projects here.

He emphasized that due to its idiosyncrasy, BCI has a profound knowledge of the Mozambican and Portuguese markets, making it an ideal partner to ensure the bridge between Portuguese companies investing in Mozambique and Mozambican companies with interests in Portugal.



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