City of Vilankulo
The city of Vilankulo will now be 3 years old, but the entire district already has a history of a lot of investment in the social, economic, political, cultural and other fields.
We are the largest tourist destination in all of Mozambique with several developments along the coast and beyond, with the islands that provide tourism with income that grows our economy, not only at the level of the Vilankulo district but also in the province of Inhambane itself.
Economic growth
We are registering good levels of growth, but there is still a lot to be done, especially in the field of agricultural production, the increase in tourism through territorial planning and the expansion of tourism to more areas that have not yet been invested in.
We also have an investment to make in industry, in small, medium and perhaps large industries, which could be boosted by recent developments with the arrival of more energy in the district through the Temane thermal power plant that is being built in the Inhassoro district, Through the Pambara substation and the new energy supply lines that come from the center of the country to Inhassoro and Vilankulo, also through the lines that come from the south of the country to Vilankulo.
Business and Investment Opportunities
In addition to the tourism sector, we have strong potential in terms of limestone for cement production, we have abundant water not only for agricultural production but also for field irrigation, in the field of industry, as I mentioned previously with the arrival of projects energy sources, we understand that they can boost small, medium and large industries and to this end, we invite investors to carry out exploration and investment visits.
Local Entrepreneurship
We have had training sessions with small, medium and large companies, we recently had training given by Sasol, the Vilankulo employment center has carried out some initiatives to promote young people, we have been boosting the Vilankulo cooperative sector with the creation of cooperative of cultural tourism industries, cultural and creative industries, we also created a stone exploration cooperative in Phambara and we created the Vilankulo agrarian development cooperative from whom we expect some action and dynamics for the development of the district.
The creation of the Vilankulo chamber of commerce and industry is also underway and I think that by the end of February the chamber of commerce will be legalized.
Integration of Youth in Development
We have been talking to young people so that they can boost their businesses with the district youth council, we have given our support so that young people can find their way into the district’s business ecosystem.
We understand that we can and should do more to leverage youth, we are confident in what young people can give and we need to continue the dialogue so that youth can do a little more than they have been doing so far.
We have policies drawn up at central level to encourage the use of local labor, but we have also been boosting the relationship with the business community through frequent dialogue with the local business community, we are going to formally establish the Public/Private dialogue which should occur in a annual or biannual.
Everything we have been doing is in favor of improving the business environment as well as Youth itself.
Future Perspectives
We are growing, we have many challenges and one of them is the requalification of the N240 road that leaves the N1 to the City of Vilankulo, we dream of having a road along the coast connecting the district of Vilankulo and Inhassoro to increase tourism in this region, which was once declared an area of great tourist interest by the council of ministers and which must be leveraged, without a doubt we understand that the future is bright for the Vilankulo district.