Home Agriculture Mozambique wants to exploit agricultural and competitive advantages to increase production

Mozambique wants to exploit agricultural and competitive advantages to increase production

Moçambique busca optimizar vantagens agrícolas e competitivas para impulsionar a produção

Mozambique is focused on exploiting its internal agricultural and competitive advantages to increase agricultural production and boost the economy over the next twenty years. This initiative is part of the government’s National Development Strategy (ENDE), which will be implemented between 2024 and 2043.

The main objectives include ensuring sufficient supply to meet market demand and significant volumes for export. To achieve these goals, the government intends to modernize and increase the productivity of the agricultural sector, transform small producers into medium and large traders, and strengthen the value chains of strategic crops.

To achieve these goals, the government is committed to developing policies that promote the modernization and improvement of production techniques, reduction of production costs, diversification of production, technological innovation, improvement of product quality and integration of strategic production chains.

In addition, investments are planned in infrastructure, strengthening institutional capacity, attracting investment and access to international markets. These measures aim to increase the production of goods and services, reduce dependence on imports and strengthen competitiveness in the global economy.

Although the agricultural, extractive, manufacturing and service sectors are fundamental to the economy, the country faces significant challenges, such as a poorly diversified economy and high dependence on the primary sector. Low productivity in agriculture is attributed to limited access to and use of improved inputs, low adoption of technologies and limited agro-processing capacity.

The National Development Strategy (ENDE) is a planning instrument that establishes strategic guidelines for economic growth and sustainable and inclusive social development over a 20-year period.



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