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UNIDO Empowers SMEs in compliance matters to increase access to foreign trade

This Thursday (07), in Maputo City, a training course was held on international standards compliance analysis for exports through the implementation and use of Standards Compliance Analytics (SCA) tools, with the aim of providing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) with instruments to increase their access to the Foreign Trade Ecosystem.

The training is guided by the United Nations Industrial Development Agency (UNIDO) and is based on a tool developed by this organization that analyses the statistics and reasons for rejection of exported products, the standards required by international markets and thus increase SMEs’ awareness of quality compliance.

Speaking at the opening of the event, Jaime Comiche, UNIDO’s National Representative, highlighted the organization’s efforts to achieve and comply with quality standards in the various projects it works on, and in PROMOVE Trade-Moz in particular. Comiche believes that with everyone’s commitment it will be possible to put Mozambique in a position of reference in the context of foreign trade, thus leveraging the economy and national development.

Participating in the training are managers and technicians linked to the areas of quality and exports from the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC), the Ministry of Agriculture and also the National Statistics Institute (INE).

It should be noted that Mozambique’s active participation in international trade requires the implementation and use of tools such as Standards Compliance Analytics (SCA), the purpose of which is to facilitate the use of rejection data to identify the main compliance challenges faced by exporting countries, with a view to better targeting investments in building relevant compliance capacities.

The PROMOVE Trade-Moz project is implemented by UNIDO, with funds from the European Union, with the aim of promoting export competitiveness.



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