Saturday, July 27, 2024


Moçambique avança com fábricas de carvão ecológico para sustentabilidade ambiental

Mozambique moves forward with eco-coal plants for environmental sustainability

Mozambique is taking a significant step towards environmental preservation with the project to build two ecological charcoal factories in the central and southern areas...
EDM acelera obras da linha de alta tensão Moçambique-Maláui

EDM speeds up work on Mozambique-Malawi high-voltage line

Cláudio Dambe, director of Electrification and Projects at Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), said that the authorities are working closely with the Indian contractor hired...
Programa DELPAZ capacita jovens em Manica com formação em agro-pecuária

DELPAZ program trains young people in Manica in agro-livestock farming

The Local Development for the Consolidation of Peace in Mozambique (DELPAZ) program plans to train 400 young people in agro-livestock farming and techniques for...
Metas de electrificação rural em risco devido ao terrorismo em Cabo Delgado

Rural electrification targets at risk due to terrorism in Cabo Delgado

The terrorism that has plagued some areas of the districts of Cabo Delgado province, in northern Mozambique, is making it difficult to meet the...
Governo inicia manutenção de quase 5 mil quilómetros de estradas nacionais

Government begins maintenance of almost 5,000 kilometers of national roads

The Ministry of Transport has announced the start of maintenance work on approximately 5,000 kilometers of regional and national roads, in an initiative aimed...
Engie Energy fornece energia solar a mais de 220 mil famílias em Moçambique

Engie Energy supplies solar energy to more than 220,000 families in Mozambique

More than 220,000 families in Mozambique are already connected to solar energy generated through a project developed by the French company Engie Energy Access....
Empresários defendem ajustes no PAE para impulsionar economia moçambicana

Businesspeople advocate adjustments to the SAP to boost Mozambique’s economy

The Package of Economic Acceleration Measures (PAE) was launched in August 2022 by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, with the aim of...
TotalEnergies assina acordo de segurança com empresa ruandesa para projecto em Cabo Delgado

TotalEnergies signs security agreement with Rwandan company for project in Cabo Delgado

A security firm backed by Rwanda's ruling party has been hired to protect TotalEnergies' gas project in Mozambique. The move comes three years after...
Veja as implicações dos novos acordos de dívidas ocultas para Moçambique

See the implications of the new hidden debt agreements for Mozambique

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) revealed on Wednesday (17) that the costs of the new agreements between Mozambique and the banks to resolve the...
variações nas commodities

See how variations in commodities have impacted the economy

The Commercial and Investment Bank (BCI) has released its commodities market report for May 2024. This study reveals important trends in energy, metals and...

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